Trades Placed by optionFair
Christopher Lewis stated in his analysis of the GBP/USD that, “The British economy of course isn't doing so hot, it while the United States enjoys growth”. That creates an investment opportunity on the instruments: “Low”, “No Touch” and “Touch”.
I logged onto the OptionFair trading platform and traded $1200 with the "Touch" instrument, selecting the ‘down’ button. This kind of option has a potential return of 76% touches the strike price prior to expiry, which means that if the signal is correct I could get a return of $912 on my investment.
The market price for GBP/USD at the buying time (10:50) was 1.50601 and the target price was: 1.50539 for the expiry of 11:15. The asset reached its target level at 10:55 and I won $912.
Christopher Lewis stated in his analysis of the AUD/USD that, “…anything below the 0.99 level shows signs of weakness and is simply a sell signal”. This indicates an investment opportunity on the instruments: “Low”, “No Touch” and “Touch”.
I logged in the OptionFair trading platform and traded $1700 on the “Low” instrument.
This kind of option has a potential return of 85% if the option will close below the target price, which means that if the signal is correct, I could get a return of $1,445 on my investment.
The target price for the AUD/USD at the buying time (10:27) was 0.95596 for the expiry of 10:40. The asset price at the expiry time was 0.95591 and I earned $1445.